Tabletop RPGs!

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Tabletop RPGs!

Post by goblinoidguy »

Hi i wanted to talk about one of my favorite hobbys! talk about anything TTRPG related here, your Player Characters, Non-Player Characters, fav systems, fav homebrew, fav campiagns you been in or watched, and even your own projects! I'll start! Image
this is one of my PCs from the TTRPG that got me into the hobby, Troika! a science-fantasy weirdo system! there name is ioadika, and they are a temple knight of telak the swordbrigner. there armor is based on how many swords they openly carry, and this blessing gets taken away if are ever not overtly armed!
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Re: Tabletop RPGs!

Post by Junkbot3000 »

OOOoooo ive heard troika is good, how's it play like?
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Re: Tabletop RPGs!

Post by goblinoidguy »

Junkbot3000 wrote: Sat Nov 19, 2022 9:14 pm OOOoooo ive heard troika is good, how's it play like?
oh its a pretty simple system, the initiative rules are wacky though, you have to use a bag of tokens with each player getting assigned one and the enemies being assigned tokens equal to their initiative score and its picked at random! ffrom what i remember though its also not exactly the best for long form campaigns either
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Re: Tabletop RPGs!

Post by micarocks101 »

Ok so my current D&D character is a warlock with Path Of The Great Old Ones (basically a subclass for warlocks where your god patrons are unfathomable lovecraft beasts). Except these horrifying lovecraft beasts aren't her patrons because she worships them. They're her patrons because she's a babysitter and she babysits their terrible hellspawn. So she always walks around with a baby carrier on her chest which contains a small writhing mass of flesh and eyeballs with two little tiny legs sticking out the bottom. She has to protect them in battle and make sure they're fed with whatever weird shit their diet consists or they go wacky. She gets paid in cool warlock spells and minimum wage.

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Re: Tabletop RPGs!

Post by goblinoidguy »

micarocks101 wrote: Sat Nov 19, 2022 10:07 pm Ok so my current D&D character is a warlock with Path Of The Great Old Ones (basically a subclass for warlocks where your god patrons are unfathomable lovecraft beasts). Except these horrifying lovecraft beasts aren't her patrons because she worships them. They're her patrons because she's a babysitter and she babysits their terrible hellspawn. So she always walks around with a baby carrier on her chest which contains a small writhing mass of flesh and eyeballs with two little tiny legs sticking out the bottom. She has to protect them in battle and make sure they're fed with whatever weird shit their diet consists or they go wacky. She gets paid in cool warlock spells and minimum wage.

thats SUCH a cool character concept!
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Re: Tabletop RPGs!

Post by KatieIsASlimeUwU »

Been playing a Kingdom Hearts inspired TTRPG called Interstitial

Lemme introduce y'all to my character Flora Kramer
art by Stormybuckets!!!!
fuckin bunny!
Used to be a pair of twins named Lilly and Nilla but their world was consumed by darkness and their hearts fused to form a new body
Was adopted by our games version of Edea Kramer from hit game Final Fantasy VIII and got a cool older sibling named Eld
art by Stormybuckets!!!
While on our Mark of Mastery we've gone to the worlds of Gravity Falls where she made friends and joined a heartless circus run by Kefka from Final Fantasy VI and then almost beat him to death (don't worry we put him in the trunk of the car!!!!! xD) but oh no! Dipper was kidnapped by
Organization 13!!!!!!
Then we went to the Zones of OFF where Flora fuckin died......... JK SHE JUST LOST HER HEART and Lilly and Nilla's memories
art by Stormybuckets!!!!
She looks like this now
art by..... ME!!!!She's doing sooooo normal
After we got home we found out thanks to being a nobody Flora now has a new power where her body can split apart
art again by Stormy!!!! Love you!!!!
And thats kinda where we are so far!!!!!!!!!!
Hewwo Y'all!!!!!!!!! Image Slime/Bun/She/They
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Re: Tabletop RPGs!

Post by Junkbot3000 »

KatieIsASlimeUwU wrote: Sun Nov 20, 2022 12:41 am Been playing a Kingdom Hearts inspired TTRPG called Interstitial...
She/They/it 8-)
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Re: Tabletop RPGs!

Post by ShrimpScampi »

KatieIsASlimeUwU wrote: Sun Nov 20, 2022 12:41 am Been playing a Kingdom Hearts inspired TTRPG called Interstitial
Fucking... Bunnby
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Re: Tabletop RPGs!

Post by Marchen »

KatieIsASlimeUwU wrote: Sun Nov 20, 2022 12:41 am Been playing a Kingdom Hearts inspired TTRPG called Interstitial
I am just this guy, You know?
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A project I have kicking around

Post by Lord »

About a year ago I actually got really bored with how dnd worked and wanted more stuff in my wheel house, also high fantasy of most kinds bores me to death, so I actually started making my own game.
I only ever work on it in the background and it's gonna be for me and my friends only probably but from the small notes and charts I have, not anything playable what so ever, it's gonna give me what I'm after.

Which being objective, I got tired of dnd bullshit, remembered one piece of 10, and said "I want DAT" And started tinkering
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