Playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days in Real Time

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Playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days in Real Time

Post by VentusVulture »

I'm planning on playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days in real time this year! When Roxas goes into a coma for a month straight I will too I guess. I would give updates on my game progress so far but I don't get to even play the tutorial mission until next Monday
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Re: Playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days in Real Time

Post by SkieSquiggles »

Oh I looooove this idea. Best of luck and godspeed! !!
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Re: Playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days in Real Time

Post by VentusVulture »

Today was the first day since he was born that Roxas got out of bed and it was for the sole purpose of going to a required work meeting. Also I'm probably going to only update this infrequently on more major days, I have a feeling writing "ate ice cream today" 340 days in a row would get annoying pretty quick
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Re: Playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days in Real Time

Post by SkieSquiggles »

Idk I think receiving the email "ate icecream today" repeatedly would be funny
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Re: Playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days in Real Time

Post by VentusVulture »

Almost forgot. Roxas ate his very first ice cream today
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Re: Playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days in Real Time

Post by skeleteleteleton »

why it called icing on the cake when it's ice cream.........
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Re: Playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days in Real Time

Post by VentusVulture »

The last week or so has just been doing tutorial missions. Today's mission was to use one limit break, for example (you'd think day 13 would be more significant given the organization's whole gimmick...). It's kinda weird doing all these missions with the knowledge that everyone Roxas has worked with up to this point (except Axel I guess) is going to fucking die by the end of February.
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Re: Playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days in Real Time

Post by transmelody »

i love kinkdom farts
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Re: Playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days in Real Time

Post by VentusVulture »

Today I beat an annoying as shit enemy called the zip spinner. Thanks for making an optional miniboss with four and a half healthbars while I'm taking multiple hits to beat a shadow... Also I get to take a five day break now. I sure hope I don't have any longer breaks coming up soon. Like it would suck if I had to stop playing the game for an entire month, I'm having fun with it. :)
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Re: Playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days in Real Time

Post by VentusVulture »

Axel left for Castle Oblivion today :( At least there's a new person named Xion who'll be joining me for missions for a bit. It's kind of funny, I've read plot summaries of the series and played a bit of the game before but I don't remember ever seeing her at all. Hopefully she's more memorable this time around, she seems like she could be an interesting character!
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