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My Summer Car

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 1:39 am
by Junkbot3000
Makin this thread cuz ive been playing a fuck ton of my summer car!!!!
Spoilers ahead

Re: My Summer Car

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 1:42 am
by Junkbot3000
i have so far uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh 150 hours in this game and i think im the farthest ive gotten in this game with my current save! ive been playing perma death (although sometimes i save scum just to save time, if i die i stick with it). i got the satsuma all built up and assembled and she runs! bad! but i plan on upgrading her parts to fix that

since i first started this save it has been fucking raining 24/7 and ive gone through a shit ton of fuses tfijmhnshj
it got to the point where i would have to switch fuses to get the water to work, drink water, and then switch them back
Also my luck with Uncle's van has been absolute dogshit. ive learned to love the kekmet, which honestly i find more reliable to drive than the van at this point. fuck the van.

ALSO ive had to learn the hard way that you should drive slow
The satsuma broke down right at the strawberry field. smoke was coming out of the engine so i had to get a new gasket, and i had to get her new oil and richen the air oil mix. Surprised the engine didnt COMPLETELY break after being on fire for a few seconds!

anyway that took a few days to fix just between driving to the strawberry field and back. I was very proud of myself because i was driving very responsibly and carefully, grabbed a few groceries and filled the satsuma with gas. cruised past fleetari (who insulted my fucking ride) and was in the home stretch before i heard a CERCHUNK. investigated the car, and found this
luckily i was close enough home to just walk there and save, but thats what ive been doin :3

Re: My Summer Car

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 1:46 am
by Junkbot3000
probably the next thing i upgrade is gonna be the the radiator, after i fix the engine. I got a bunch of Gifu jobs lined up so i think im gonna boat to town, make some good money and head to fleetari's and repair all the engine parts

Re: My Summer Car

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 12:03 pm
by skyboundnero
very looking forward to see how this thread goes

Re: My Summer Car

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 12:20 pm
by SlothfulSpectre
Junkbot3000 wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 1:42 am Image
this is normal, the satsuma loves to do this when it's safe and happy

Re: My Summer Car

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 2:03 am
by Junkbot3000
so smaller update:
drove the boat to town and got some good cash with the gifu! one of the fuckers left while i wasnt looking though and i missed out on money though )":
but i headed home, went to murder island and grabbed everything from there and set up some kilyu brewing.
also! dissected the engine, and threw all the parts i needed into the Kekmet and headed to fleetari's to get them repaired!
along the way i also dropped of a full tractor's worth of wood for more money 8-)
gave fleetari his money and saved right after that (also picked up the long coil springs and radar buster while i was there)
so far definitely my best run!

Re: My Summer Car

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 9:51 am
by pennypeachy
turning on notifs for this thread bc im very excited to see ur my summer car progress

Re: My Summer Car

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 2:00 pm
by Junkbot3000
SO ive been playing on and off a bit
but since i last left off i fucked off back home, got the call that my engine parts were done, fucked off back to fleetaris and got them picked up!
reassembling the engine took longer than expected, because the game got very finicky about the engine being put back into subframe and i did experience a pretty bad glitch seen here (volume warning)

took a look in the engine and everything was basically fine, and given that the engine caught fire INSTANTLY that was most likely a bug so decided it was fair to alt f4 out of the game and save scum. i think it was because i had the carburetor and headers and air filter put together, but detached from the block and saved and loaded the game a bunch of times.
EVENTUALLY i got her back up and running fine so i went into my kitchen and started bottling up all my kilju, ready to break bad 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
and then the satsuma's battery died just as i was leaving my house 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
decided to wait on cashing in the kilkju and take the kekmet to town and get some sewage tank jobs done, but when i arrived i saw opportunity
(it didnt go well)
SOOO UHHH got the sewage jobs done and drove back home in the loathsome van.
unless i go to town and buy a brand new battery i am stuck with the van untill that battery charges or i get the kekmet unsideways'd

Re: My Summer Car

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 3:25 am
by Junkbot3000
gonna have to summarize a lot BUT
got home! decided it was best to just buy a new battery and let older ones charge while i drive around.
ive also been getting used to driving around in the van and gotta say im a speed demon now 8-)
been getting into a good routine of brewin kilju, bottling it, selling it, hitting the store/landfill to get new(ish) bottles, and brewin again!
also uuuuuuuh some shits up with my graphics card, and because MSC is like SUUUUUUPER optimized my graphics card has crashed here and there makin me loose some progress a few saves ):
but i did download an optimization mod, and turned the graphics way down so things are fine. but they game does look like this now
my 2013 gpu just cant handle these intense ray tracing graphics.............................
ANYWAY drove to town to get some grocieries and drop off mail! ordered a new twin-carburetor and racing radiator! also decided to play god with physics and try and get the kekmet up right (it did earlier get hit by the bus, so it did move away from the gas station)
took a while but 100% worth it (:
went home, waited a lil bit, payed some bills did some chores ect and i got the call my package was ready!
waaaaayyy to excited to do anything else really so i just b-lined to the store in the van and back and hooked those suckers in!
i was definitely seeing an improvement with the car's temperature but it was nowhere near where i wanted it to be, still couldnt shift out of first gear without risking her getting overheated. i was a liiittle worried maybe i didnt have the radiator plugged in, screwed on, or if it was leaking. so i decided to check the coolant and
VERY glad this is NOT permanent but boy did it fucking scare me! my meters were a little too full that if i wasnt moving around carefully i might've died of fatigue or hunger! but it faded away and i got back 2 work (:
cracked open the cylinder head and saw the head gasket wasnt in good shape and took it out so i could buy a new one at fleetari's. also took a peek into the parts catalog and decided to order a fiberglass hood too keep that engine cool 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
8-) 8-) 8-) also a subwoofer 8-) 8-)
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) for performance 8-) 8-) 8-)
(side note, if there are any gear heads reading this, i'd love to know some options or repairs to keep my engine cool)
headed to town on a friday night in the ol' van, which at this point im basically a pro at driving. smoooooooooth sailing as always.
didnt have much else to do aside from drop off my mail. Gifu was full so id have to wait till monday before i could start suckin some hole again so i decided i may as well drop off some pamphlets for teimo's shop to make some extra cash. kind of a longer job to do since you gotta drive all over town to get it done but i may as well before the rally starts, plus buying all these new parts is burning a hole in my pocket so i could definitely use the cash. it was a beautiful dusk, the setting sun painting the Finish country side in a relaxing orange. Cuckoo birds and bugs singing as i delivered coupons for my favorite store. drove past the haunted mansion, gettin ready for the lil town at Fleetari's as i was sucked into the atmosphere of the game.
Sadly in the dim twilight light, i did not see my dear cousin cross the same bridge as me.
but it was too late.
I killed him. it was a head on collision, i could see the life drain from his eyes as he slammed into steering wheel, and glass pierced his lungs.
Pena was always brash, he didnt wear a seatbelt. he didnt even hit the breaks as he saw me coming, like a bull he charged towards me.
but i couldnt live with what i done. i needed to act so i threw his limp corpse off the river. damning him to a watery grave
after that i closed the van door at a wierd angle while i was still like strafing to the side and was so enraged i went YEAOOWCH and flung the van like 30 feet in the air for some fucking reason. it landed sideways right next to the river
i fuckin pushed it a bucnh and hulk strenghthd it into the river next to Pena's cold body and it wouldnt turn on bc the engine was flooded with water. i unlockedd new psionic powers in this process bc the van would shake every time i used my arms even if i was 10 feet away from it. at that point i decided it was a good time to save my game and call it there (:

Re: My Summer Car

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 2:23 pm
by Junkbot3000