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Is the new Fire Emblem game even worth playing?

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 9:43 am
by mememixtape
(Also just to note: I will probably not pay if i'm playing the game. I have a used games dealer who gives, steep, steep discounts. ;) )
So for pretext, my favorite Fire Emblem games are Path of Radiance with Three Houses close behind. I hate the Fates trilogy, the Heroes mobile game, and Genealogy of the Holy War/Awakening for their weird ass children mechanics. I think in general the writing in Awakening is also pretty weak. I enjoyed the added depth in Three Houses' skill, class, and proficiency system and the amount of customization that offered. Is Engage worth even playing for me?

Re: Is the new Fire Emblem game even worth playing?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 6:54 am
by mememixtape
this post was bitter af but i eventually fucking warez'd it. its aight