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Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 12:12 am
by vivirox
Well after entering the mansion and being rudely introduced to its scenery with a burp, I decided to look around and heard some, strange noises from the Kitchen. I went to investigate and was shocked seeing Robby fishing in the sink. For what purpose I am not sure. Perhaps he dropped something in it, no way to know right now. Anyway, after being offered a hearty meal by the kind Jim, I decided to take a little food nap, in which I promptly passed out. The only strange thing I noticed was the paintings shaking, and the noise that followed. Though that could have been caused by the thin walls that could be by the Kitchen. I Do wonder if anyone can tell what happened while I was out cold.


Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 7:10 am
by SlothfulSpectre
After getting dry I took a quick look around, but I don't recall seeing anything too out of the ordinary. (Though, was Robby fishing in the sink? Bizarre.)

Looneyzune and I got the furnace running, and then I do think I saw them head to the pool, but I didn't follow. Not one to linger in creepy basements.

Had a little snack while I lounged on the sofa, then went to the leisure room for some cards with Hocuspocus and Skeleteleton. All rather peaceful, for a mysterious abandoned mansion.

Not to ah, cause a fuss, but Skiesquiggles does seem to have just sort of... flopped over the moment they came in from the rain. Been right there on the lobby floor the whole day. Did anyone check on them?


Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 1:24 pm
by SkieSquiggles
Good morning everyone! Sorry to cause any alarm, I was so tired from my trip here that I sort of, laid down in the middle of the lobby! This happens to me from time to time but it's nothing to worry about :}

Unfortunately as a consequence of that I don't really have anything of substance to report, though I will say I had a very strange dream about a dark shape moving under the surface of the pool. I'm planning on checking it out later if anyone wants to join me!


Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 1:37 pm
by pea_txt
ROBBYDUDE wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 10:43 pm did anyone happen to go by the pool at any point? if so, did you notice anything strange?
You decide to check it out right now, as a matter of fact.

At the pool, you notice the water's clean looking enough to take a swim in it. You could do a cannonball jump if you wanted to, as the floor's deep enough to let you do that without consequence.

Nothing else can be noted from this pool.


Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 7:36 pm
by skeleteleteleton
After we just got here I wandered around from room to room on the ground floor for a bit not doing much, just lookin. At one point passing through the lobby I saw skiesquiggles sleeping on the floor.
A bit after that I ended up in storage and found a nice looking vinyl record, though I don't remember the name of the artist. Some French woman? Looked old but also in perfect condition. I'd say we could all listen but it's still in the original packaging so I don't know if we should open it. Not much else going on in storage or the attic.
Afterwards I decided to check if this mansion had a wine cellar. On my way to the basement I passed slothfulspectre who already had a bottle in hand so there was my answer. I went downstairs to the cellar and picked a bottle of wine but unfortunately immediately dropped it and it shattered everywhere. So if you saw that mess, that was me. Sorry. After that I decided not to have wine after all.
I spent the rest of the day so far in the leisure room. Hocuspocus was already there playing darts. We played a close match together but she won in the end. After that we built a nice house of cards together. Then slothfulspectre entered and the three of us played cards. It's been a nice time so far, all things considered.


Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 10:02 pm
by BootyJim
Licking my fingers as I polish off the last of my frankly award-winning sandwich (which sadly only had a measly 500 grams of protein), I gaze up at the windows of the Solarium, raindrops streaking down the glass against the darkness of a stormy night. The somber imagery strikes a fierce cord in me, how DARE this gloomy atmosphere take root in what is going on during MY show!! In MY ring!! Dimming the sheen off MY glistening biceps!! THE NERVE!!

I leave the room in a huff, taking a sharp left and loudly stomping into the Foyer. Scanning the vicinity, I take note of the various objects and features of the room: A fireplace? ambient lighting, and an excellent mood setter. A sword? Oh, we got props baby. Piano? Hmm, well if nobody knows my theme song I could smash some poor sap into it for a big finisher. And the table would make the PERFECT ring, elevated and in the middle of the room! Just gotta get this old nerd shit outta here and it's go-time!

Alright, with the venue decided it's time to find a worthy competitor! As far as I'm aware there's nobody here who can compete with my prestigious pecs or camera-ready calves. As such, I'll need to find someone who looks like they can at least handle selling a few Powerbombs or DDT. May as well grab the sword, good way to steer any conversation back to the match.

With a belly full of processed meat and conviction, I match out of the room brandishing the sword with far too much confidence to find my new rival!


Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 3:05 am
by AngusLeaves
Hullo, you fellows seem to have made yourselves at home! I was quite reasonably parched from the rain, but Robbydude seems to have gone fishing in the kitchen sink! Between their admittedly impressive levels of shouting and BootyJim’s muscle-flexing sandwich-making routine, I managed to sneak in one glass from a bizarre first impression. They mayhap think me a fish. Robby mayhap thinks they are at sea.
I encountered a few other people and then headed to the Foyer, where it appears someone had the idea before me of getting a fire going. The fire is quite lovely. Katieisaslime was there, she seemed to be quite preoccupied with everything else in the room, and then she left. Then, uh, the piano started playing itself and then Cosmic_Outlaw entered the room looking distraught and then promptly fainted.
I appear to be alone otherwise, so I think I’ll see if I can help out Cosmic_Outlaw in any way, and then investigate that scary piano. Anybody know how to play?


Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 11:37 am
by pea_txt
AngusLeaves wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 3:05 am I appear to be alone otherwise, so I think I’ll see if I can help out Cosmic_Outlaw in any way, and then investigate that scary piano. Anybody know how to play?
You investigate the piano.

It's a grand piano, and a very fancy looking one at that. The maintenance on it suggests that it's been taking care of very well. The keys look like brand new, and the finish doesn't suggest a single scratch anywhere. There is, however, a piece of paper stuck under it.

Cosmic_Outlaw woke up as soon as the investigation started. No concerns here.


Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 3:15 pm
by SkieSquiggles
Oh angusleaves can I look at that paper you found under the piano? It might be interesting


Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 5:25 pm
by AngusLeaves
SkieSquiggles wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 3:15 pm Oh angusleaves can I look at that paper you found under the piano? It might be interesting
Sure thing, I'm good at handing out papers. I wonder if it's sheet music.