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Re: FreakBoards 2023 NES/GB Book Club #5: Megaman May (NES/GB)

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 8:49 pm
by Cuboid64
now to live a perfectly normal robot boy life


Re: FreakBoards 2023 NES/GB Book Club #5: Megaman May (NES/GB)

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 8:55 pm
by Cuboid64


Re: FreakBoards 2023 NES/GB Book Club #5: Megaman May (NES/GB)

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 10:27 pm
by vivirox
I decided to play through megaman 6, cause when I was a kid I saw megaman with a jet pack and I thought it was the coolest shit. Then I ended up doing the robot master that unlocks it last. I still haven't beaten the game, currently stopped at Mr. X stage 2, but man it was decently fun. None of the stages or robot masters felt to annoying so far, except, I couldn't stand plantman's stage and the him himself, lot of death pits with fish comming out of them and bugs flying at you off screen.

ImageImage Fuck these two

Imageand also fuck their boss and his dumb shield

Re: FreakBoards 2023 NES/GB Book Club #5: Megaman May (NES/GB)

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 3:07 pm
by Finch
I tried to play Mega Man 2 today. I just... can't do it. I'm so bad at platforming. I did one stage - Bubbleman - was feeling alright, and then I literally cannot get past Heatman's stage because of the stupid disappearing block platforms.

I might try again later but I severely doubt it. I can tell it's doable - I NEARLY made it a couple of time, but it just isn't worth it for me. I just don't have enough time in my life to justify spending time on Megaman when it's not even fun.

Re: FreakBoards 2023 NES/GB Book Club #5: Megaman May (NES/GB)

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 5:57 pm
by Finch
Okay, yesterday I was really frustrated on top of having an annoying day at work so today I felt better and felt kinda bad for writing off Mega Man 2 like that.

So I went back today and the stupid disappearing blocks still took me a half an hour to beat with save states. That was the hardest part of the stage. Took a couple more tries to beat Heat Man, but I did it without too much trouble. Went on to Wood Man, whose stage includes three of these giant dogs that shoot fire of varying lengths and I swear to god the longest length of fire breath requires a frame perfect dodge I am simply not capable of. This was still less difficult than the blocks though, only took me like 10 minutes to get past the dogs and eventually to Wood Man, who took another few tries.

I've stopped for now, and I'm not sure I'll continue just because I'm still just not having fun and as soon as Tears of the Kingdom comes out I will likely not have the willpower to drop it to play anything else, but we'll see.

Oh also I got a power called "1" and I legitimately don't know what that does. I guess I should look up a manual for that if I do end up playing again.

Re: FreakBoards 2023 NES/GB Book Club #5: Megaman May (NES/GB)

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 10:05 pm
by theniftytable
Been watching my friends do Mega Man stuff and decided to try Mega Man 2 today! Managed to beat it all in a night with save states. I think the Robot Masters and their stages are very fun overall. The Wily Castle stages took some getting used to and MAN those last few boss fights are fucking nightmarish. I spent like a literal hour save scumming that god damned final boss. Fuck that stupid thing.

Overall I think the game is cool, but maybe not for me, I guess? I might try out some of the other games in the series someday because I'm still kinda interested in the world/characters. Who knows!
Anyone got a light, btw?

Re: FreakBoards 2023 NES/GB Book Club #5: Megaman May (NES/GB)

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 5:46 pm
by gnurst
------------ Another platformer, huh? Not complaining, I'm really good at these types of games. I picked out "Megaman IV" for my game this month, for two particular reasons: It has a majority of my favorite Robot Masters in it, and it's also the "Megaman" game that years ago, I started playing, but never actually finished. I figured it was any time as ever to right the wrong of Past Robin. I'll be talking about the Robot Masters in the order I played through, and my overall thoughts on the game itself. Let's get started! --------- TOAD MAN:
I'm obsessed with this man, and I cannot for the life of me explain why. The level itself is a very good starting point: not too much difficulty, the enemies are sparse and easy to kill, and it's relatively short. Toad Man himself, if you know what you're doing, is a complete and utter joke. Pro tip: Stand close to him and you'll get him in a loop of hopping around and never using the Rain Flush.
Not a super duper big fan of this level's gimmick, but it didn't ruin playing through it for me. A little more difficult than Toad Man's level, but still easy. Bright Man himself is actually a challenge, especially when he uses his Flash Stopper to freeze you in place. I don't know if there's any damageless runs of this game, but I imagine Bright Man being a pain in the ass.
My (actual) favorite of the Robot Masters in this lineup. The level itself has a unique gimmick in the quicksand at the beginning, branching paths with the Chuck D. Head enemies, and lots of goodies hidden around.
Including the secret Balloon Power weapon, which I did not get during my play through.
Pharaoh Man himself, though? Poor man didn't even have a chance against my Flash Stopper. I feel kinda bad, to be honest. RING MAN:
Not the worst level in the entire game, but my goodness this level. Roaders, if you're aren't careful, can ruin your day. Putting 2 mini-bosses back to back with each other? Evil. Monstrous. Ring Man was actually the first of the Masters to give me some difficulty. Man kicked my ass, but I got through in the end.
Up'n'Down's can go to hell. The amount of jumps they have fucked over is immeasurable. Dust Man himself was the most difficult of the Masters, with him tallying up a good couple deaths. (Ring Man never actually killed me, but got very close.)
Contender for my favorite level in this game. Music is quite good, level design is pretty decent, and the enemies (including the Dry Bone-esque robot guys) are thought out and good to fight against. Skull Man is a shield user, so you can imagine how that ended up. i blew him up with a pile of garbage
I've heard people have difficulty with this level due to all the spikes and stuff? Wasn't really the case for me, but that might be I figured out the water physics early on. Dive Man's fight was basically a game of "CAN I GET MY HURTBOX NEAR HIM?"
It took me a significantly embarrassing amount of time to figure out you can shoot the rocks to make them not hurt you/split into smaller pieces. The fight wasn't bad, considering he spent 80% of it underground.
--------- Overall, this wasn't that bad of an adventure. A bit frustrating at times, and the rewind tool was used many-a-time, but I had a good time. Really like how it's a different "evil doctor" than Wily.
At least at first.
Don't know when I'll play the other games, but I have high hopes! --------- FINAL SCORE:
4/5 Dodo Points

Re: FreakBoards 2023 NES/GB Book Club #5: Megaman May (NES/GB)

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 10:07 am
by Cuboid64
I FORGOT AGAIN but zelda did come out this month so can you blame me

We're gonna do a vote again! All NES games though I know Karateka has a GB version so that could be an option too?
  • Karateka
  • Metal Gear
  • Ninja Gaiden
Voting ends 8pm EST on May 31st!

Re: FreakBoards 2023 NES/GB Book Club #5: Megaman May (NES/GB)

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 10:10 am
ough.,.,....... ive never played ninja gaiden.. maybe metal gear for a less stressful time....

...... ninja gaiden

Re: FreakBoards 2023 NES/GB Book Club #5: Megaman May (NES/GB)

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 10:11 am
by Cuboid64
I don't think i've actually voted on one of these myself before but I will put my vote towards Karateka