What in the world are u playin

Talk about games! Anyone can play these games. We're about to release new games (and you'll love these games)
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Re: What in the world are u playin

Post by Juice_bax »

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Re: What in the world are u playin

Post by Scratch »

dot hack part 1
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Re: What in the world are u playin

Post by SkieSquiggles »

Finally played Yomi Hustle this is the best game ever made
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Re: What in the world are u playin

Post by skyboundnero »

  • arkham asylum
  • arkham city
my rambling part 1 below:
i played arkham asylum recently and i enjoyed it but having (unknowingly) skipped that and played arkham city goty edition when it came out, plus the praise ive seen asylum get, i think it gave me a little too high expectations. it's got first game growing pains and also some unsavory humor in the edgy batman game from 2009, whouda thunk it (though city doesnt improve on this). that being said, as the first arkham game it is very good and the art direction is very nice and i wish i had the first hand blind experience of the famous
scarecrow hallucination glitch (which im still spoilering despite its fame lmao)
segment when it was released because it is very cool and fun and not very effective in the current year of 2022. games' a lot shorter than i expected too! which makes sense and is a good thing! im glad i didnt need to dedicate 30 hours to a single game when i have others on the immediate list as well
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Re: What in the world are u playin

Post by skyboundnero »

my rambling part 2 below:
so next on the list, arkham city! i love this game a lot. i feel immediate improvement on most things aside from art direction arguably, primarily just in ui/menus/etc, but the city and its interiors are so fun to look at. i feel particular improvement in the combat though, a lot more fun with the new gadgets and tweaks in its hits and counters (i swear asylum is a little clunkier. but maybe i just sucked ass, maybe im just better at the game i played all the time as a kid, lmao). i cant speak on story bc i havent finished it and i dont really care about the story in either of them, but the sidequests are very fun. it's nice to return to media that is just some good ol comicsy nostalgia, and each side quest (save the titan containers mission perhaps) fulfils that in learning about a buncha classic batman villains and doing their little special gimmicks with
mad hatter's in particular, if you about him showing up before you do an unrelated thing, like i did, then you might get tricked by the cure batman's searching for just suddenly appearing on the map, despite there being a story mission about getting the cure being the immediate story focus! like i did! and then you get to see a fun batman bunny mask and beat up some bunny goons and hit the pathetic little hatter merely 3 times
and it's over. another thing to mention is i love how short and sweet the sidequests are!! they dont drag very much and thus they dont overstay their welcome. which i dont want to do here so im wrapping this up lmao, i just feel the need to talk about the games im playin when theyre fresh on my mind. thanks for reading!
i had to split these up bc spoiler errors
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Re: What in the world are u playin

Post by Cosmic_Outlaw_ »

Cosmic_Outlaw_ wrote: Sat Nov 19, 2022 9:10 pm a good deal thru Borderlands 2 right now and Deaths Door whenever i pick up my switch!
deaths door was great! picking hardspace shipbreaker back up
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Re: What in the world are u playin

Post by JulianaNRG »

easy come easy golf
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Re: What in the world are u playin

Post by mysteryROOSTER »

Played sploon today, it was nice.
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Re: What in the world are u playin

Post by Mak-Etcetera »

fortnite... i've caved.
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Re: What in the world are u playin

Post by SkieSquiggles »

Your Only Move Is Hustle has got my brain in a fukcing vise grip
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