Kingdom Hearts RP!!!!!!

Talk about games! Anyone can play these games. We're about to release new games (and you'll love these games)
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Re: Kingdom Hearts RP!!!!!!

Post by Typhra »

whoa cool number !!!

Vexen is frustrated as hell!!! He's trying to move the cursor around like crazy lol
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Re: Kingdom Hearts RP!!!!!!

Post by nonexistentPumpkin »

The cube is flung all around the screen by the cursor inside its body, knocking into the edges of the screen multiple times and eventually spitting out the cursor and skittering away, dizzy.

"Well I THINK that takes care of that one..." Roxas says, tilting his head. "But I swear I saw more of these when Xion was on."

(OOC: I'm not godmodding here, am I?)
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Re: Kingdom Hearts RP!!!!!!

Post by Typhra »

The scientist hummed, moreso ignoring Larxene (feel free to hop in whener XP) since he knew better than to start a ruckus (no he didn't but shhh). He went about doing his own neopet business.

"Well perhaps you are mistaken." He chimed bluntly.

(No ur doing great!!!)
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Re: Kingdom Hearts RP!!!!!!

Post by nonexistentPumpkin »

Roxas scratched his head. He was sure he saw more of the cubes, but he didn't want to annoy Vexen any further. Instead, he continued to focus on the one they'd both seen, since something was "bugging" him about it...

"Well one of whatever that was was weird enough, right? And didn't the thing look kind of... familiar? Red, black, a yellow dot on it?" There was a tinge of worry in Roxas's voice, but that was because he was also thinking about whether any of the windows in this freaky castle could open.

(Okay thanks! I never felt like I got the hang of forum RP back in the day & was unsure of the limits of what one can narrate for external events, you see.)
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Re: Kingdom Hearts RP!!!!!!

Post by Typhra »

(alright I'm going to be honest I thought this was a bit. Well fuck it hell yeah let's go)

Everything went as it should, every click, every movement of the cursor... There was nothing to suggest that something was amiss in the first place. Quite frankly, he didnt care for this digital childrens game, but he wasn't keen to reveal his intentions just yet. Especially to a child.

"Roxas, some silly compu—"

Then, sure enough, another box appeared. At first he dismissed it as some juvenile Neopets thing. This... Wasn't that. He spun to face the boy and gestured to the computer.

"Well then, share your thoughts."

(Also yeah if there's anything that needs editing or retconning just say so here or in DMs ^^ it's no biggie!)
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Re: Kingdom Hearts RP!!!!!!

Post by nonexistentPumpkin »

"At first I thought they looked kinda cool, but... They look a LOT like Heartless to me."

Roxas crossed his arms and looked up in thought.

"The uh... spiders, right? The ones that sneak into containers? These boxes kinda look like that, don't they?"
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Re: Kingdom Hearts RP!!!!!!

Post by KatieIsASlimeUwU »

As the Two are pondering the nature of the strange boxes. One suddenly Jumps out of the screen and tries to attack Vexen
(Love seeing how y'all are taking this! Been fun watching and figuring out when to hop back in)
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Re: Kingdom Hearts RP!!!!!!

Post by nonexistentPumpkin »

Roxas yelps and falls on his ass in surprise, then immediately gets back up and starts whacking the box as if his Keyblade were a rolled-up newspaper. It did not help that he currently had the umbrella one equipped.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts RP!!!!!!

Post by Typhra »

Vexen scowled at the attacker, but wasn't quick enough to avoid it's strike. In retaliation, his shield appeared and pushed it away. The man, who had fallen to the ground from the attack, scrambled to get back up. He turned his sights to Roxas, ready to issue a command when... Well the kid was hitting it with an umbrella. That... Was not going to work.

"What are you doing?" He barked.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts RP!!!!!!

Post by nonexistentPumpkin »

"Huh?" Roxas looked at his Keyblade, not having noticed the keychain he left on it.

"Ohhhh. Lemme switch to something... heavier." Roxas said with a smirk.

Roxas switched out the keychain to that of the Silent Dirge, and began beating the shit out of the cube for maybe a combo and a half tops before it dissipated into... the shape of pages? Nothing but a few blue rectangles with unreadable scrawl escaped the puff of darkness before quickly vanishing, no heart to be found...

"No heart...? But I thought for sure..." Roxas turned around to look at Vexen.

"How does something look like a Heartless, act like a Heartless, fight like a Heartless, but not have a heart to free?"
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